Sunday, July 20, 2014

My personal hero ! Abdullah Alamri


My Personal Hero 

                   What makes a person  a hero ? Do you think my personal hero is a real hero ? so there is no answer for the meaning of hero , it's depending on you , if I consider that my friend or my father or any person my hero , maybe that's person means no thing for you . But we all agree , a person who's change people lives , or doing a lot for a human , or for you , rather a famous person or no , that's consider a hero .For instance , there are many hero around the world , according to many people , even if he's a real person , like , Gandhi , Mandela , Einstein , or not , like , Superman , Batman However , my personal hero is "Mohamed Abdu" he is a singer , born in 1949 in Jezan South of Saudi Arabia , he had been described  as " The  artist of Arabs " , his father died when he was still a child , As a orphan aged only 3, Mohammed went with his widowed mother and her other two siblings to an orphanage house called Ribat Abu-Zinadah, a Yemenite hostel for orphaned families.  Mohammed Abdou commented on the home saying "... I learned how to live and depend on myself." After his graduation from sixth-grade, he started taking many menial jobs: selling candy and mixed-nuts in the market.
 The artist began his music career in the beginning of the sixties. He entered the world of singing at an early age, going from only a student at the Institute of industrial Jeddah which he graduated from in 1963. From then, he was taken on a mission to Italy for the shipbuilding industry. The flight changed from Rome to Beirut, from building ships to a music career. He made himself by himself , he still right now the best singer for 22 countries in Middle East  " The Arabic countries" .

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