Friday, July 11, 2014

My Personal Hero__Kate

Most of people have their own personal heroes.
Someone have only one hero but someone have more than one.
Heroes are our inspiration and aspiration. Heroes have difference characteristic.
We are all would like to be like our heroes such as strong , intelligence , encourage , justice and etc.

let me  introduce my personal hero...............
My personal  hero is my father. :)
He is very intelligence , reasonable and kind.
It's because of his story when he was a child that make me feel like I would like to be like him.

 I will tell his story to everyone.............
When he was a child, he has to study very hard. His parent don't have a lot of money so he has to go to part-time work and study at the same time. He took money which he got from part-time work to pay for his school fees. Most of student can study special class but he did not have enough money. He really want to study like another students so he always stood outside, looked through the window and lectured as much as he understood.  One day the teacher saw him and had a kindheartedness so the teacher let him to study inside with no fees. He was appreciate to study in order to get good grades. If he get the good grades, he can get a good job and earn a lot of money. If he has a lot of money , he can take care of his parent and his sister. He could do it!!!! He pass the test to study about doctor in the famous university in Thailand but he was very sad because he did not have enough money so he could not study in this university. He got a scholarship of air force to study about engineering in  bachelor's degree and master's degree in the United State. He studied at Josh Washington DC. I think that he's very smart and has a lot of tolerance. He's just only a poor boy in Thailand but he can study in the famous university in the USA.Even if he stayed in the USA, he did not use so much money. He also worked in Thai restaurant in order to get special money and saved his income every week until he graduated. When he came back to Thailand he got a good job and high rank in air force.
He had a lot of money and some of his money came from his work at Thai restaurant in the USA. He is a grateful son and a  nice brother. He's also a gentleman. His work is about create weapons and explosive.
He's always tell me that he do love his nation. In Thailand, There are a lot of corruption, If  my father corrupted, he could get money more than 300,000 dollars per time but he did not. He usually tell me that we should have contentment with what we have. We should be honest in our daily life such as study, work ,buy something or everything. He teach me don't be prodigal person. We  should appreciate with everything.

I would like to be like him.....
That's all of my hero should have. He don't have to have superpower.
He's only do the good things and the right things. Be a nice person and a nice daughter.
and this is my hero. :)

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