Saturday, July 26, 2014

Technology in Transportation System - Pedro Guizardi

           On the article “The Future of Urban Transit?” written by Brandon Griggs is presented a new generation for the common cabs. The pods, which are a new metropolitan transport systems run on electrical energy, will be in a not too distant future driven by themselves. Some people who defend the new transportation system say that it will help to minimize the environmental impacts and make the trips more convenient. This technology has been tested since 2011, at London's Healthrow Airport, reducing an overage of 50,000 bus trips a year. Milton Keynes, London, is aiming to apply the pods on its streets. The pods, which would move on the pedestrian walkways, will connect two bustling areas. According to Geoff Snelson the pods may be requested by smartphones or find in a pods’ station outside. The pods will have a sort of futuristic designer. They will have two seats, and a big windshield. Snelson quoted “We want people to be curious about using them”. The first prototypes have been developed by the British group RDM from Oxford University’s Mobile Robotics Group. In the beginning they will be driven by humans and work almost as common cars. The plans for the future are to make the pods independents of human driver. Built with cameras and sensors the pods will be able to guide itself throughout the way without collisions. The advocacy group Transport Systems Catapult with Neil Fulton said that the security has received a great attention. The first two-seater pods will be tested in the spring, and with the idea of have more pods operating until the end of 2015.
            Technology has been providing this kind of comfortable to us. Since the first computers were created, computed systems have invaded everything. Probably everyone has already had some problem when waiting for a cap or a bus, which sometimes takes hours to pass. This innovation in the transportation system is fundamental nowadays. It can make the life much more convenient because of the many benefits that it bring to us.     

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