Friday, July 11, 2014

My Personal Hero - Pedro Guizardi

I do not have only one name for my personal hero, I have three names. For my first hero, I will start with Jose Antonio Guizardi who is my father. My father grew up in a small city in my state, Esperito Santo, Brazil. While he was cursing his high school, he was also working as a seller of auto parts for representative company. After he finished his high school, he still working as a seller for some companies. He used to travel the whole state selling auto parts. With some experience on this field, my father opened a small auto part in his hometown. It was a small, but representative company. Nonetheless, it was the spark of a big company.
At this time, my second hero appear on my history, her name is Adelir Guizardi. My father and my mother got married in a city close to where they are living today whose name is Sao Pedro. Now living in my hometown, Mimoso do Sul, my father reopened the company called Mimoso Auto Pecas. With hard work my father's company start growing fast. It was doing very well. At this moment, we already were my father, my mother, my old brother and I. Sometime after, the business start going down, my father even thought about move away to another city, the things were going bad. So, my father tried another plan, we sell the farm and bought another company in the same city, a agricultural company. It was supposed to be very good idea, but my father could not manage both companies. 
Here and now, appear my third hero, my brother, Joao Antonio Guizardi. He gave up of his university and came back to my hometown to help my father. He took front of the auto part company and my father stayed in front of the agricultural company. They have done a great job there, today we have the two biggest companies in their field on my city. If you are asking if I have some influence in this companies, the answer is not, I have not anything done there, sometimes I help with I can do. They gave me the opportunity to do what I like to do, Electrical Engineering, and one year ago, I start my own company, 4tech Automacao.    

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