Friday, July 11, 2014

My Personal Hero __Sarah

  Each person in the world has a hero in his life . Your hero might be member of your family ,or friend ,and it could be a person you know. In fact, this person should be different from the others.he/she most have ability to handle withe the difficulties of life e intelligently . Actually, the hero always has a different vision in life maybe it's  more awareness then anyone .Also , it's not necessary  wear a special clothes to be a hero . All the heroic qualities depend on the acting in the hardest positions . For example , i have a personal hero who can give me an inspiration in my life . My hero in my life is my older sister who lives in UK . She is married with lazy husband and two daughters  . Being the oldest girl in the family that holds her the responsibility of anything happen at home .that mean she is a patient person because she endures the others mistakes.In addition ,she is handling carefully with the problems of life she also prevent anybody to effect negatively to her and destroy her life . she teach me a lot of things that help my in my life . For example , she always talls me to speak more slowly with any body especially someone heat me  .also don't speak directly when i  have a hard argument with people just i have Waite for ten second take breath and then talk .she also teach me that i can do any thing in this hard life as her she have a ph degree although married with lazy man and have two crazy daughters but tat does not matter for her .she has the patient  and determination  to do what she want .the most perfect thing in her personality that is so sensitive but that does not effect in her daily lief she got what she want  

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