Friday, July 11, 2014

My Personal Hero__Faten

HERO is a big word!  When I heard “HERO” the first thought come to my mind is, a person who have a superpower someone like Spider-Man, Bat-Man, and Super-Man. When I was asked who is my personal hero I didn't have any idea. i was thinking who I should called a hero?  I realized that hero is a person who care about other people and want you to be happy, someone provide safety and security, faced the hard things and never give up this characteristic are common among the superhero and normal hero. Heroes can be anybody, may be one of your family, friends, famous and non-famous people. 

After all these, there is only one person come to mind. This person is my mother. Yes! My hero is my mother who has special personality. I have always looking forward my mother. When she dressed,  put make up, or cooking. I was always trying to do the same. I have been influenced by her. 

There are many stories that making me assume my mother as hero. One of these is, when I was at 6th grade, the Sewing teacher asked us that we have to braid a specific stitch that called chain stitch as homework. I have hated everything come braid. As soon as I got home, I started talking to my mother about my homework. So I was worrying and my mother told me that I have to finish my other homework. After I finished, I went to bed and slept. I had totally forgotten about the sewing class homework. When I enter the class , I remembered that i didn't do my homework. My hand started shaking, my heart was beating fast and i was praying for god to making teacher to forgot asking about the assignment because the teacher was Strict. Unfortunately, the teacher as expected asked, and I opened my Notebook which put our assignments on it. We pasted the piece of cloth. I found the cloth was pasted. I surprised!! I doubted on myself that I might had made it when I was sleeping, but I knew and believed it was done by mother, I was trying as much as possible to hold back my tears from go down. My teacher liked my homework and gave me a full mark.  

That was my favorite story with my Hero. I will never forget it.

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