Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ukraine says rebels shoot down Malaysian airliner, 295 dead ------ henry

Today from the news of google ,we know some bad things happen in Ukraine. From this page
the news summary.
  1.  A Malaysian airliner was shot down over eastern Ukraine by pro-Russian  killing all   295  people aboard.
  2.  the official blamed "terrorists" using a ground-to-air missile and Ukraine's prime minister called the downing of the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur a "catastrophe".
  3. A Reuters correspondent saw burning wreckage and bodies on the ground , about 40 km (25 miles) from the Russian border  .
  4.  The dead were 280 passengers and 15 crew.
  5. Malaysia Airlines  had lost contact with its flight MH-17 .
  6. A rebel leader said Ukrainian forces shot the airliner down. 
  7.  Ukrainian official as saying the plane disappeared from radar.
  8. Ukraine has accused Russia of taking an active  conflict in recent days .
  9. The military commander of the rebels,  Igor Strelkov, had written report of the airliner being downed that his forces had brought down .
             I hope those repels real good about talking innocent lives. That lose lives people's family
             must  be very grieved. some children lose their father, some wife lose their husband, some
             mother lose their son. why  these people so ruthless . from this I know no one was live ,so I
            think the Ukraine government must arrive there as soon as possible. In this situation , the 
            government first should dispose victims family problem. then should wipe out the                 
            repel ,do  not let them to hurt other people again!  If I am a solider , I want to arrest their repel
          leader. we need peace , do not anybody lose their life. Right now we only can
           pray   those people can enter heaven .that's it!

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