Friday, August 29, 2014

Summary “cause and effects of the overuse of smartphone” leichen


In the essay” cause and effects of the overuse of smartphone”, author wants to tell people that don’t overuse of smartphone. Specifically, he explains that the reasons for overusing smartphone and the effects of overusing smartphone.
First of all, he thinks that it is resulting in overuse of smartphone that people are addicted to all kinds of application functions.
Second, he says that because of overusing smartphone, people working, studying and even sleeping can be influenced. It is because people cost many time playing smartphone   so that don’t have enough time to work , study and sleep, and pay an attention to working or studying.
The author finally suggests that people should be reasonable to use cellphone.
In spite of some drawbacks of the cell phone, but I think the merits of working still outweigh its negative effect for some reasons.
Although it is true that some people cost a lot of time playing games, taking with friends and so on, it is more important to note that some functions of smartphone are able to help people to learn, to deal with something . For instance, people can the function of GPS by phone to find a way anywhere and does not spent a lot of money to buy navigation equipment, which often is expensive. Also, smartphone has other functions to help people life and work. People can use phone to read use, read book in some rest time. To use some APP learns vocabulary. Also, as long as parents and teachers enhance supervision and limitation, the problem will be solved.

Although it is also true that the radiation of cell phones harms our healthy, it is more important to note that in most cases, the radiation is safe.
Most importantly, Smart phone brings huge convenience to people’s communication. As a wireless mobile phone, it is portable, and it’s easy to use it to keep in touch with our families, friends and classmates wherever.
However, the mobile phone might trigger various downsides; its indispensable roles in people’s daily life cannot be ignored. We have to consider the advantages and disadvantages of cell phone. Therefore, we can use it in a reasonable way to protect ourselves.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge, waste of water? - Hannah

Recently, an charitable activity called “Ice Bucket Challenge” has lit social media on fire, raising both money and attention from public figures. The process goes like this: People make a video of themselves dumping a bucket of ice water on their heads, post it on Facebook, Instagram or other social media sites, and then challenge friends to do the same thing within 24 hours otherwise you need to donate $100 to ALS. This has inspired people like Bill GatesLeBron JamesChris Christie and Taylor Swift and some other celebrities. Now, Ice Bucket Challenge has involved into normal people.

The main purpose of “Ice Bucket Challenge” is to draw attention and raise money for A.LS. Association. Raising money for disease research is a noble goal, that’s with no doubt. But there exist a most obvious harmful effect which is a waste of water.
I found a calculating data from Google that nearly 6 million gallons of water have been poured out, the average American household uses 320 gallons per day, which means that based on this estimation, nearly 19,000 homes’ daily water usage has been wasted. What a huge data? Is it shocked you? You know at this day and age, third world countries suffer and kids die of thirst. I understand that places like California are in a drought right now, and people living here should be courteous to their neighbors and conserve water for the sake of the community.Maybe we can choose more appropriate methods to donate or express our awareness, not to take such a controversial way. 

Will Oremus, Slate's senior technology writer, urged people to take the “no ice bucket challenge” and just donate the money. I find myself fully agree with him. Nevertheless this activity cannot be attractive and exciting any more, but to some extent, it still works. If you have a warm heart to show your love to A.S.L. Association, I believe you will do it anyway. 
It allows us to live more efficiently, so come on, let's show love to the Association in a positive way!

summary about the world cup- Mohammad Alarji

The World Cup is thirty-two soccer teams in one host nation trying to be the champions of the world. The way this works is they first have to qualify in to the World Cup with teams from all seven continents. This can last up to three years before the World Cup.The association that runs the World Cup is called FIFA. FIFA stands for Federation International Football Association. The headquarters of FIFA is in Zürich, Switzerland and the current president of FIFA is Sepp Blatter. The trophy for the World Cup was named for Jules Rimet. He was the president of FIFA from 1946 to 1970. Brazil’s third victory in 1970 entitled them to keep the trophy, but then the trophy was reported stolen and it was never found. Then they changed the name of the trophy to FIFA World Cup Trophy. They also got a new model of the trophy. The designer’s name is Italian Silvio Gazzaniga. The new trophy is thirty six centimeters high, is made with eighteen carat gold and weighs thirteen pounds. The winning team does not get to keep the trophy, but instead they keep it for four years and then they get a replica.


All you soccer fanatics better be getting ready for another exciting world cup. Go and support your team. Be ready to get blown away by the quality of the soccer players. Prepare for the best world cup in history.

7 Biggest Earthquakes in California History—Napa's Not Even Close----Sarah

According to 7 Biggest Earthquakes in California History—Napa's Not Even Close, by Jessica Morrison for National Geographic ,actually, earthquakes considers as one of the dangerous natural disaster that happened in the world in this article the author says that the earthquake which occurred to Nape ,is enough to destroy many places and houses, 1906 in San Francisco their was an earthquakes and the magnitude was 7.8 that mean what happened in nape it is less dangerous than as usual .in addition, the earthquakes  it occur because of series of presser that cumulative during  long period of life .also the author in his article he based on statement of a geophysicist at the University of California   that he says may be the history will not repeat itself  but we have to expect something  similar .in this article the author mentions the biggest earthquakes have been occurred until now in california . first he tells us about the Fort Tejon which happened on 1857 magnitude 7.9 just one person died because of house collapsed  .second one is Owens valley in 1872 Magnitude 7.4 that  earthquake caused an estimated on lives which twenty seven  people were killed and $250.000 of property loss. Moreover, Imperial Valley in 1892, Magnitude 7.8 that earthquakes stayed couples of days but it happened in an uninhabited region and no deaths were reported. Then he notice other earthquakes and it was in San Francisco, 1906, Magnitude 7.8  because of that quakes more than 80% of people leave the city and a lot of disaster had happened like fires and the estimates of death may it around 700 that time but now the thought to be at least 3,000.another example was the West of Eureka in 1922, West of Eureka this one it was different from the other because it was in the sea and it called offshore quake , damages were confined in breaking windows and snapping power lines . at last but not least was Kern County in 1952, Magnitude 7.3.that quakes occurred a huge property damage estimated at $60 million and claimed 12 lives .finally, the last earthquakes he writes about was Landers, 1992, Magnitude 7.3 that quake resulted with 3 people died and 400 were injured .that conclude the most dangerous earth quack occurred in California and that one which happen in San Francisco is classified as the most significant earthquakes in U.S. history.

In Studying? Take a Break and Embrace Your Distractions__faten


In Studying? Take a Break and Embrace YourDistractions, the author talks about the students routine life and how do they hear some advice about the right way to study: focus on the book, put devices away, study at the same place every day, and avoid distractions. Regarding to the author states that is not the only way to learn. She writes about the writer, Benedict Carey, who wrote the book of “How we learn”. He said that people don’t have to have the same chair, cubicle, and same room to memorize the material, so changing context and environment assist retention. Then in an interview with Carey who is asked about “how we typically study vs. how we learn life skills. He answers that students have knowledge how they have to study the material by quiet study, ritual which seems to be self-evident. But the skills such as cooking, ride a bicycle, etc. that we learned gradually during daily life. Then he talks about how parents worried about their children from distraction by the devices and checking their social websites which is a big distraction for student who are spending their entire time on social websites. This problem hasn't been solved which scientists are still looking for a real solution. He comments about a new way that scientists are trying to see the result of using testing as a study tool, self-examination, or make a test before starting a course which is an interesting, new way that may change the approaches of learning.   


 In my view opinion, most of people or may all of them fed up of the traditional way of learning. We are used to go to school, sitting on the chair listen what teachers say, give homework. This is a boring routine, people want other way to learn. Although the world have been changed by the technology revolution, the school still using the boring way of teaching. Now, if the way of teaching had changed to a new, interesting way, the students may become more active, study, and more interested on what they learn. This generation are looking for something by technology.

More details about nuclear power_YIN JUHAO

1 Depleted uranium ammunition
Depleted uranium has radioactive and chemical toxicity
In the Persian gulf war in 1991, American army actual used depleted uranium bombs against Iraq's chariot forces (official statement to use about 300 tons).
In bosnia and kosovo conflict war, American army also took about 1 rounds depleted uranium bombs in bosnia, took about 3 rounds depleted uranium bombs in kosovo.
And it is generally believed the war in Iraq, the United States is also extensive use of depleted uranium bombs.
The largest harm is in the 1991 gulf war, The heavy use of depleted uranium ammunition, the United States launched the depleted uranium ammunition to make a lot of depleted uranium scattered in the Persian gulf, cause serious pollution of uranium in the region. After the gulf war, basra in southern Iraq war, radiation intensity increases sharply, particularly gratuitous litters blood diseases and cancer patients increased sharply.
The kosovo war in the region has formed many pollution area, threatening the health of hundreds of thousands of people, also caused combat soldiers health consequences. According to a 2000 report, participated in the kosovo war soldiers in Europe, Italy has eight people died of leukemia, and 30 suspected cancer; Five people died of cancer in Belgium; Spain has eleven cancer, five people were killed. Soldiers from other countries are being diagnosed with cancer.

2 Protective measures
The first layer of defense:elaborate design, manufacturing, construction, to ensure that the plant has a sophisticated hardware environment. Set up a detailed procedure, strict rules, the plant workers have a high level of education and training, everyone pay attention to and care about security, has a complete software environment.
The second layer of defense: to strengthen the operation management and supervision, timely and correctly handle exceptions, troubleshooting.
The third layer of defense: in severely abnormal cases normal reactor control and protection system of action, to prevent equipment failure and human error accident.
The fourth layer of defense: when the accident happens, enable the plant security system including the peripheral security system in order to strengthen the management of accident in power station, prevent accident expanding protection reactor containment.
The fifth layer of defense: once happened accidents with radioactive leaks enable factory inside and outside the emergency response plan to mitigate the effects of the accident on the surrounding residents and environment.

Solar and Wind Energy vs Fossil Fuels -- Pedro Guizardi

On the article Grantham: Wind, Solar to Replace Fossil Fuels Within Decades, written by Giles Parkinsor, the author claims that wind and solar energy will replace fossil fuels completely in a no longer future basing on Jeremy Grantham, an expressive fund investor, words. Grantham presents a hopeful vision of the future of energy in the world. As written in Grantham quarterly newsletter, scarcity of energy do not seems to be a problem for the next decades. Complementing, Granthan says that there are no expectation for an improvement on the cost of nuclear energy what increase the attention on renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar. The big deal for Granthan is that even though the replacement is clear, nobody knows when it will be accomplished. In keeping with Granthan, in a coming up future, cars run by oil fuel will be replaced by cars run by fuel cell diffusely resultant from electricity. Conforming to Tony Seba, a Stanford researcher, these changes will be applied in the world in a few decades.  Coming back to the Granthan point of view, the author state Granthan’s predations of a possible accomplishment fester than everyone thought and its effect on the fossil fuel industries. Highlighting the points that coal and tar sands investments have a big potential to become cast away, Granthan intensifies the possible fest development of solar and wind energy. State on the article, Granthan uses China as the mean example of needs of renewable source of energy. The increase of smog on the country has intensified the necessities of clean energy. China answered these requirements with an increase of 60% in the incentives for the use of solar panel until the end of 2015. Granthan put on the debate the $650 billions spent on searching of new fossil fuel sources once that the urge for a new fuel demand is coming.           

Do Video Games Contribute to Childhood Obesity? - Abdulah Alzayer

In the article,’’ Do Video Games Contribute to Childhood Obesity?’’, by,’’ Erica Loop’’. The author explains how the video games cause of obesity. First, the author says that about  12.5 million children between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese, according to the U.S. Then, the author gives The overview to obesity, and she explains that the video games is not the only reason to obesity, she says that the biology is main reason in your child's developing body type, and over consumption of sugary, fattening and overall unhealthy foods such as soda or fast food can lead to childhood obesity. 

Then, the author talks about what children say to their parents, they say that playing video games is more like play another games such as playing on the playground, play sport, or play at Park. Then, the author adds that playing video games is negative for children, and it is like watching TV. The negative things of play video games are the video games take the children away from physical activity, and it cause The obesity. the author says that the children who watch TV more than 5 hours each day greater risk of being overweight than those who watch two hours or less According to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Then, the author adds some research which shows that the video games is not always causes of obesity, According to Michigan State University study, psychology professor Linda Jackson says that the video games is not sole culprit in childhood obesity.

Then, the author explains that how the video games can be Anti-obesity. Some video games need some action, so the children have to moving to play it. if the children play video games like these, they will get good health and fit.

My opinion :

The video games is not the only cause of obesity, there are a lot of kids play video games and they do not get obesity, so there are another causes of that. The parents should be more careful about their kids and they make them balanced in play video games.  


Time to Change Your Password - Abdullah Alamri

          In the article “Russian hackers steal more than 1 billion Internet credentials”, a Russian crime
 ring has apparently managed to steal 1.2 billion Internet passwords and 500 million email 
addresses — the largest known collection of stolen data — according to the The New York Times. Hold Security, a cyber-security firm in Milwaukee, discovered the massive breach of approximately 420,000 websites. The reported break-ins are the latest incidents to raise doubts about the security measures that big and small companies use to protect people's information online. Also the article says that Security experts believe hackers will continue breaking into computer networks unless companies become more vigilant. Retailer Target is still struggling to win back its shoppers' trust after hackers believed to be attacking from Eastern Europe stole 40 million credit card numbers and 70 million addresses, phone numbers and other personal information last winter. The 500 million email addresses mentioned in the Times' investigation could potentially be used help the hackers engineer other crimes, according to Hold Security, but so far they are only being used to send marketing pitches, schemes and other junk messages on social networks, the newspaper said. "This issue reminds me of an iceberg, where 90 percent of it is actually underwater," Prisco said in an email to The Associated Press. "That's what is going on here ... So many cyber breaches today are not actually reported, oftentimes because companies are losing information and they are not even aware of it. Hold Security declined to identify the sites that were breached, citing nondisclosure agreements and concerns that they remained vulnerable to attack, the Times reported. "Hackers did not just target U.S. companies, they targeted any website they could get, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to very small websites. And most of these sites are still vulnerable," Alex Holden, founder of Hold Security, told the paper.


Race to the city_YINA

Link:  Race to the city

     From the article "Race to the city" written by the BBC NEWS,we can found out that the world’s cities are facing an onslaught.It's a huge problem that people become city dwellers every year and this figure is still growing up!As more people race to cities,some people is looking for the solution to solve this problem!More and more people start wondering where  are we gonna live in the future .Some big cities' governments  are mulling pushing the boundaries of their boroughs outwards to cater for expected population surges To begin with, as the population grows, people consume much more natural resources, which often leads to excessive hunting. Second, with the increase of human activities, modern people take up more and more space. Which has a great impact on other species. Finally, the problem of pollution becomes more and more serious with the development of modern industry. More and more animals have to adapt themselves to the decaying environment or move to a totally different place, but not all of them are fortunate enough to survive the changes.And then the Dassault Systèmes’ GEOVIA 3DEXPERIENCity creates holistic models of cities came out. This 3DEXPERIENCity helps people to find out the solutions to the challenges of quickly rising populations in order to harmonise products, nature and life which is good.

     Nowadays more and more people run to the city.They want to live in these big cities and make more money here.But it really cause some serious problem .Such as the traffic and pollution problem.People in many big cities are complaining about all these problem. It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic development.But still a lot of people think big city is the best place to live in but they need to change their mind. Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. It is often easier to find work. There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. However, living in a city is often very expensive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. What's more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.How to deal with more and more people live in city is one of the biggest problem that people face .Solving this problem calls for, above all, the government’s efforts to control population growth, to decrease industrial pollution and to enhance the laws to forbid wildlife hunting. Moreover, common citizens should be aware of this ecological crisis and take on the responsibility of wildlife protection. In a word, only when the government and the common people make joint e f forts can we hope to find a satisfactory solution to this problem.

Ebola virus: Nine things to know about the killer disease - Summary_Natalia Camargos

The article "Ebola virus: Nine things to know about the killerdisease" written by Susannah Cullinane and Madison Park, in the web site CNN, provides important information about Ebola. According to the article Ebola is considered “one of the world’s most deadly diseases” because causes the death of up to 90% of people who catch the Ebola virus. Another factor that gets people so worried about it, it’s that there is no vaccination against the virus yet. As explained in the article, the main consequence of the Ebola is a viral hemorrhagic fever. The name “Ebola” was given because Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo was the place where the first outbreak occurred in 1976. The first Ebola’s symptoms are fever, weakness, muscle pain, headaches and sore throat. In some cases, patients can have a rash, red eyes, hiccups, chest pains and difficulty breathing and swallowing. The first symptoms can progress to vomiting, diarrhea, impaired kidney and liver function and sometimes internal and external bleeding. Culliane and Park say that there is no particular treatment for Ebola yet. However, some drugs have been used and vaccines have been produced and tested. The authors mention that Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) says that the Ebola virus can survive some days in liquid outside and infected organism; however chlorine disinfection, heat, direct sunlight, soaps and detergents can kill it. The article warns that the virus transmission occurs with the directly contact with body flood or blood. In the end of the article, the author provides some estimation about the spread of the disease: There have been more than 3000 cases of Ebola and more than 2000 deaths since 1976.

The Ebola disease kills up to 90% people who contract the virus. This fact has caused such a frightening feeling in people around the world. As previously stated, nearly 2000 people dead because of the virus. Therefore, it’s very important that people be aware about the symptoms, ways to catch the virus and how to protect. However, there is no specific treatment, drugs have been tested and a vaccine has been developed. 

Burger King deal to Buy Tim Hortons--------Henry

           From the internet,we know the news that Burger King Worldwide Inc agreed to buy coffee and doughnut chain Tim Hortons Inc.for about $11 billion,confirming plans to move the iconic american  brand north of  the border under a tax inversion deal.
          The relocation of a such a high-profile American brand is likely to elevate the debate over tax inversions at a critical time as US lawmakers look to stem the growing wave of company departures.
          Adding a twist to the deal, legendary  investor Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway inc is providing $3 billion in preferred equity finacing throwing him into the center of the debate over US tax policy.
         The deal would create the world's third largest quick-service restaurant company,with about $23 billion in system sales and more than 18,000 restaurants in 100 countries. The new global company will be  based in Canada, though each brand will be managed independently after the deal's completion,the companies said.
         By bring together our two iconic companies under common owership, we are creating a global powerhouse, executive chairman of Burger King and managing partner of 3G Capital. Tim Hortons shareholders will receive C$65.50 in cash and 0.8025 shares of the new company for each share, valuing the restaurant company's stock on Monday.As an alternative, shareholders will be able to choose to receive either C$88.50 in cash or 3.0879 shares of the new company.
        The acquisition of Tim Hortons, which is Canada's largest quick-service chain and has a market capitalization of about $10 billion, would have to win Canadian government approval.That means Burger King, which is controlled by Capital management, would have to show that the deal provides a so-called net benefit to Canada.
       In an inversion, a US firm relocates-- usually through a merger with a smaller company to a country where tax tates and rules are perceived to be friendlier, but it typically continues to be managed from the US.----reprint

Nuclear Power and Public Opinion_Kate

The public does not want to pay for new nuclear power. It is willing to pay for renewable energy.
We have to use a lot of money to create nuclear reactor. The utilities which we use to create nuclear reactor are too expensive. Banks think that it’s too risky to lend money for nuclear projects.  A new reactor are either get money from taxpayers ,through direct federal loans or tax payers –backed loan guarantees, or  from rate payer in few. According to polls commissioned by the civil society institute( march 2011 and February 2012),ORC international  showed that there are 73% opposed in 2011 and  72% opposed in 2012.

Americans think nuclear power is not clean energy , they don’t want to pay for it.
how should we preceed with nuclear power development?
There are 89% of all scientists,95% of scientist involved in energy related field,and 100% of radiation.
There were no significant differences between response from employed in industry ,government,and universities.  There was no difference between employee who had and had not received financial support from industry or government.
Public Misunderstanding

The most important misunderstanding is about the danger of radiation. The public views radiation as something very complex and poorly understood. In fact, it is one of the simplest and best understood of all environment agents. Another misunderstanding is the danger from reactor melt down accidents. Many people think that there will have more than thousands of dead from reactors accident or bomb attack , but in fact, The deaths of melt down accident are similar to the deaths of pollution contributed by coal burning. The difference from the air pollution analogy is that there would be only a tiny fraction as many deaths. The number of deaths from reactor melt down accident is equal to the number caused by coal-burning air pollution so there would have to be complete meltdown accident in somewhere of United States  but after more than 30 years of nuclear power, no one has ever seen first accident.
Even if all of misunderstanding are clear up , some people still don’t  accept nuclear power because they prefer to use solar energy instead.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A necessary evil! - Pedro Guizardi

As describe in the article “California’s Ivanpah solar power plant is incinerating birds by the thousands”, written by Andrew Fazekas, the solar power plant has been responsible for the death of different species of birds, mammals and insets. This kind of solar power plant uses a tall tower and many mirrors to reflect the solar ray to the tower. The Boiler sit at the top of the tower is heated to 800 degrees. Due to the high concentration of sunbeams close to the tower, birds have been burned during the flying when they pass through the sunbeams. The California’s Ivanpah solar power plant is able to power a small city for a year; however, its power has killed many species around the solar power plant. According to the article, more than 28,000 birds have been killed per year by the reflected sun rays. Most of the deaths are direct, after the birds are reached by the sunbeams they fall on the ground. Some of them survive, but not for long time.  After suffer high damage the birds are easily hunted by predators. The California’s Ivanpah solar power plant was nicknamed “mega-trap” as a result of the destructive effect on the wildlife. Another point highlighted by the author, as a cause of many deaths on the wildlife, is the skyscrapers in which birds collide. Moreover, electromagnetic noise has been confusing bird on the migratory period. To try to find a solution for this problem on the California’s Ivanpah solar power plant the company put more than $1.8 million to stimulate any project that bring some solution for the problem.
If the solar power plant were classified as an evil, it is the best evil that we have found for long time. Unfortunately, nothing is perfect; however this technology has been a beam of hope in the renewable energy issue. If we compare the impact of the solar power plant with most part of the present sources of energy that we have today, the good and positive aspects will be easily overshadow the few problems. Besides that, the technology has improved each day and become more efficient in all aspects.    

Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering ---- Sally

Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering


This article is mainly talking about the definition and different effects of genetic engineering. According to this website, genetic engineering is a process which modify the gene of organism by using some techniques. By using this method, human being can take benefit from nature in some way. For instance, non-seed-water-mellon are wildly eaten in Chinese, they are much more bigger and sweeter than normal water mellon. However, people still doubt that genetic engineering may cause some serious problem to human beings, some of us believe that this method may leads to unexpected changing in nature. This article doesn’t give any clear answers for that, actually nobody can be 100% sure about their opinion, because this technique is still young in our history. There are some pros and cons that given by this article bellow.

Pro 1. Genetic engineering can help plants in better flavor, growth rate and nutrition, which means genetic engineering is actually helping a lot in production. By using this method, food can be grew much faster.
Pro 2. Pest-resistant Crops and Extended Shelf Life. People can input different combination of DNA between two independent genes to give plants a new feature. By doing this, crops can gain the ability to resist halm from animals or environment.
Pro 3. Genetic Alteration to Supply New Foods. For instance, high protein food.
Pro 4. Modification of the Human DNA.
Con 1. May Hamper Nutritional Value.
Con 2. May Introduce Risky Pathogens.
Con 3. May Result to Genetic Problems.
Con 4. Unfavorable to Genetic Diversity.


In my point of view, genetic engineering started a revolution in the field of food production, which varied the types of food, and offered enough amount of food to a large population. It have definitely help the whole society a lot. However, the lack of knowledge about the dark side doesn’t mean that it has not bad influences on human beings. After hundreds of years, nobody can forecast how things are going that time. Maybe the acuminated damage will explode!

Advantage and disadvantage of cell phone Lei Chen

As technology develops, nowadays the cell phone had become widely available to households in the world and it plays an essential role in our daily life. Advantage and disadvantage of cell phone become to be a highly charge issue in the world. Some people say that cell phone facilitation is benefit for our life. However, some other people think that the phone influences people normal life. So in this article, I’d like to talk about advantage and disadvantage of the cell phone.




Cell phone really makes our life easier because of the following reasons. First, it has brought liberation from communication problem. 20 years ago, people used telegram and hand-free telephone to connect with friends or family. However, nowadays people are able to use a smart phone to contact with people at anywhere over the world in a fastest way. Secondly, with more scientific breakthroughs, cell phone is a multifunction tool nowadays such as calculator, surfer internet, checking and writing e-mail and so on. For instance, we can surf on the Internet whenever we like without opening a computer and whatever where I am. What’s more, it can also help us with some learning, because we can look up the word in the digital dictionary. Third, it is a strong entertainment tool. It is because people can use it to take photos, listen to music and watch movies. 




Although our cell phones are more and more advanced, it still causes many serious problems. On one hand, there is no doubt, the most problem is electric wave radiation, which is bad for our health. For example, it can result in sleeplessness, endocrine dichasia and even cerebral cancer.   On the other hand, it will affect our learning, working and communication. Nowadays people like to plays phone all the time in work place, class and dining-table.   Contrast to communication of face to face, people prefer using phone to chat. So that in dining-table, many people play phone rather than taking with friends. In addition, according to CNN news, telecommunication fraud , which is the use of telecommunications products or services without intention to pay,  consistently increases.  People lost about 4.9 billion dollars in the US each year.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

advantage and disadvantage smartphone --sarah

Smartphone can do more than makes call and texting .in fact, the possible uses of the smartphones increasing and growing every day, because of the evolution of inventions. Actually, Day by day mobile phones are becoming the most important part of our life. As we know each thing in this life is double-edged sword .for example there are six benefits we can get it from smart phone :
The positive side of the smart phone
1.       Smartphones allow you multiple ways of communicating. Not only can they call, text and IM, they give you access to email, video calling and video conferencing. You can also remain connected through social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
2.       Means of navigation.
3.       .Acts like a computer.
4.       .Cell phones aid to solve legal matters.
5.       Helps to improve businesses. keep track of appointment
6.       Your way out in emergencies:
7.       Wholesome entertainment: multifunction tool

as it has advantage from this material also it has disadvantage
Disadvantage of smartphone:
1.       Bad Impact on Studies
2.       Security
3.       Accident and Health Issues
4.       An Unsafe Safety Standard
5.       No Isolation
6.  Added Costs

Technology:Good or Bad?__YINA

Topic: Internet : Good or Bad

      The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is an international network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government packet switched networks, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), the infrastructure to support email, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing and telephony.The network experienced decades of sustained exponential growth as generations of institutional, personal, and mobile computers were connected to it.
    1.First of  all the use of the Internet offers a variety of benefits to everyone who is willing to use it. The enormous amount of information available and the many uses one can have through the internet have made it the most valuable tool in various settings of a person’s life. The Internet has an enormous amount of publications added on it every day and it’s evolving as the most powerful source of information.
  2. Furthermore, the widespread use of the Internet has opened new areas of jobs in all countries and expanded the availabilities of working from home. Last, the Internet is one of the most valuable tools in educations since it provides an enormous amount of information and is the greatest source of reference for educators and students. The electronic libraries are of utmost importance for University students looking for scientific information for their courses. Another major benefit of the internet is its ability to minimize distances and provide communication services efficiently and without any cost.  In general, the Internet is a multi-tool with applications on every aspect of someone’s life.
  3.Today’s needs and demands of society have taken over our time that feels it’s not enough for doing everything we need to be doing every day. The appearance of the Internet saving matter came as a life saver for many tasks that would take days to complete before. The ability of the internet to store materials, its ability to calculate instantly almost anything, and its worldwide application databases had made tasks much easier. and less time consuming in almost every industry on the planet.
   4.Transform people’s life and increase their knowledge
  5.The internet makes people's life convenient like the the internet bank and the internet market,internet shopping  can save you time and money since it offers a wide range of specials in much cheaper prices than what you will find in the actual stores.And people can also find a job on the internet .  6.One of the most important benefits offered from the wide applications of the internet is communication. The internet managed to eliminate distances and provide people with a unique opportunity to talk, watch and have fun with their loved ones, friends or acquaintances. Chat rooms, messenger services, emails and conferencing programs are the most common uses for communicating over the internet. People can enjoy the benefits of the cheap communication and maintain close contact with loved ones from all over the world.
  7.Teacher and students can find the learning material from it, prepare courses online and deliver audio/visual information.
   1.people also realize that Internet has a negative impact on people’s health and even emotions. It has been studied that people who tend to overuse internet are mainly teenagers. Excessive use of Internet not only affects teenagers’ health, but also causes some emotional problems, such as loneliness. Spending too much time on the Internet also deprives people of face-to-face interactions which might lead to some social interaction issues.

  2.In spite of the fact that internet as a new form of media almost phases out some traditional forms of media and serves as a communication technology that makes us able to talk to people from the other side of the world quite easily, there also comes a new symptom called internet addiction.  Internet addiction needs to be looked at in “psychiatric or psychological terms. Internet addiction has been reported to be related to loneliness, depression, harm avoidance, anxiety symptoms, impulsivity, and attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorde

  3. internet addiction may also lead to poor eyesight. Excessive internet use may also deprive people’s exercise time which makes some people in poor health condition. Even though the internet addiction is extremely harmful, the number of adolescents addicted to internet is still increasing.

  4..spending too much time using internet for interpersonal communication may greatly lower the quality of life as more internet communication means less face-to-face communication. The deprivation of face-to-face may directly lead to the degeneracy of communication skills because a deep communication involves eye contact and emotion dissolved in your voice; using internet to communicate is lacking of physical and emotional contact.

Nowadays,INTERNET is so important that we can hardly do jobs without it.But every coin has 2 sides,INTERNET also has many disadvantages. The details are as follows.
On one hand,INTERNET has many advantages.We usually search information or send E-mails for study for it can rise the working efficient.Online-shopping is a new and convenient way to buy things so that it is also popular among the young people.So we can inferm that the INTERNER has a lot of advantages.
On the other hand,INTERNET also has many poor sides.Spending so many time on online games is almost the worst.The result is that people may find they have less interest in the work and study and than getting in a poor circle.Another aspect is that lacking the face-to-face communication,the chatting and trade on the INTERNET become less and less believeable.So we can inferm that INTERNET has many disadvantages.
As the reasons concluded above, the INTERNET has both advantages and disadvantages.Only when we accept the postive aspects and get rid of the poor ones,the INTERNET will be our true and reliable friend.

Benefits and harmful effects on cell phone - Hannah

It is convenient for us to do some research instead of  turning pages of specific books in library. What's more, cell phones can be a learning tool for students since they can obtain much more knowledge with wider approach as well as explore the internet. To some extent, it helps us saving time.

We are all foreign students from every corner of the world, so homesickness is a problem that can not be avoided. Here comes another benefit of cell phone which is video chat. Via the advanced function, we can talk or even interact with our family and friends. Cell phone always allow parents and children to stay in touch. The sense of distance may be disappeared immediately. What would people do in the last century if they got homesickness? Holding an picture? Maybe it didn't work.

Moreover, by connecting mobile phones to the internet, we can always follow-up with the latest news. Compared to the past, 

Harmful effects:

The benefits that cell phone bring to us can not be ignored, but at the mean time, it indeed has some harmful effects. With the widely use of cell phone, lots of people seem to be addicted to it. Walk down the street and you'll see people everywhere with eyes glued to the screen. What does it mean? Maybe more and more people willing to pay time with their family. We are obsessed with checking in on Facebook and sharing about what a good time we are having now instead of making a phone call to greet our family.

More and more people become lazy nowadays, cell phone is one of the major element. People usually lay on bed and hold their phone to check in Facebook or watch movie with a fixed movement. What will the bad habit bring about? Obesity or 

What are the symptoms of a Heart Attack- Mohammad Alarji


In the article,’’ What are the symptoms of a Heart Attack’’, by,’’ National institute of Health, NIH’’. The Heart attacks can start slowly and cause only mild pain or discomfort. Symptoms can be mild or more intense and sudden. Symptoms also may come and go over several hours. People who have high blood sugar (diabetes) may have no symptoms or very mild ones.
The most common symptom, in both men and women, is chest pain or discomfort. Women are somewhat more likely to have shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, unusual tiredness (sometimes for days), and pain in the back, shoulders, and jaw. Some people don't have symptoms at all. Heart attacks that occur without any symptoms or with very mild symptoms are called silent heart attacks.


Everybody should pay attention to these other possible symptoms of a heart attack: Feeling unusually tired for no reason, sometimes for days (especially if you are a woman), feeling sick to the stomach and vomiting. Any sudden, new symptoms or a change in the pattern of symptoms you already have for example, if your symptoms become stronger or last longer than usual). Not everyone having a heart attack has typical symptoms. If you've already had a heart attack, your symptoms may not be the same for another one. However, some people may have a pattern of symptoms that recur.


TECHNOLOGY. What is technology? It is usually mentioned together with science.  What is the difference between them? In my opinion, science is a question about why, and technology is a question about how. Technology is a subject about how transform knowledge into productivity. Human progress is related with the development of productivity. So although  there are many harmful benefits about technology, everyone can not leave it. 

Today I want to discuss whether humans should exploit nuclear power. There is a great debate about nuclear power all over the world. Firstly,I think everyone who participate in this argument should clearly what is nuclear power? If you search nuclear power in Wikipedia, you will get the answer like this: Nuclear power, 
or nuclear energy, is the use of exothermic nuclear processes, to generate useful heat and electricity.(

There is a great debate about nuclear power all over the world. 

There some benefits of nuclear power.
1.Nuclear power does not cause air pollution. 
2.Nuclear power does not produce CO2 which increase the greenhouse effect.
3.Nuclear fuels energy density are millions of times than fossil fuels. 
4.Nuclear power generation fuel cost is very low.
5,Nuclear power is the most secure way of generating in fact. In the process of coal mining, oil and gas,there are tens of thousands of practitioners has been the explosion and collapse of the accident.

There some harmful benefits of nuclear power.
1.Waste produced by nuclear power plants is radioactive.
2.The thermal efficiency of nuclear power plants is low, that will cause the heat pollution.
3.Nuclear power plant investment cost is too big, the financial risk of power company is too high.
4.Nuclear power plants is not appropriate to do with the load of the peak and off-peak operation.
5.To build a nuclear power plant is easy cause political disputes.
6.If released radioactive material into the environment in the accident, it will cause harm to the ecological and people.