Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Technology Addiction - Pedro Guizardi

In the article "Technology Addiction in Teens", wrote by Damon Verial, the causes and effects of technology addiction by teens are shown. Now as ever, teens have been making more use of technology in their daily lives. They have changed the books for the smart phones, tablets and computers what does not reach the parents expectation. Besides that, many of these cases have been related with addiction. Kimberly Young, director of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery, says that some symptoms of technology addiction are when people start using technology as a way to avoid the real life problems. An example given by Young is when teens push out their phones whenever they have to receive an caveat trying to avoid the struggle.  Technology Addiction can cause psychological problems such as insomnia, irritability and depression note Young. According to Verial, Teens are easily affected by technology. They are always trying to find a comfortable way to skip from the problems instead of face them. With the easy access to any mobile device and consequently information about everything around the world, teens tend to keep themselves in the virtual world. There are many risk led by technology addiction in teens. The effect in their lives can be extremely negative. In instance, teens who are technology addicted have a strong chance to have problems to socialize with other people. Moreover, it will reflect in the school, family and professional life. An interesting point noticed by Verial is that enjoying technology not always means addiction. As reported by Young, no more than 5 percent of teens are addicted to technology. What must be noted is the teens’ behavior. Some of these unnatural behaviors are the preference of virtual activity than real life activity.
It has been a common issue and tends to become stronger as the technology become more accessible worldwide. Despite the fact that it has a stronger influence on teens, technology has influenced people in different age groups. Another point which leads people to this kind of outcome is the exposure that we have to technologic equipment in our day. The necessity for technologic knowledge  is increasing and pulling new addicted people with it.  

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