Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Road Design Tricks That Make Us Drive Safer__Faten


In " The Road Design Tricks that Make Us Drive safer" the  author Katia Moskvitch, wrote about new, smart tactic by using 3D-pictures and cut-outs on public roads. Especially on certain places for reducing car accidents and saving people's lives. These pictures had applied in many different country. The aim of this is, to give the drivers a certain message drive slowly, please! these pictures and cut-outs represents people who died on this road by accidents. Some roads use smily signs to the drivers who drive under the speed limit, and frown at those that go above of it. This way creates because in some countries like India had dangerous roads than other where about 137,000 people died on roads. In India roads instal large posters that show shocking pictures of man's face in a crash. In UK roads, "children crossing" has replaced by black life size silhouettes of children instead. These silhouettes of children are carrying obvious messages saying ‘I live here,’ or ‘I want my daddy to come home safely'. The article show a study of this painted posters and make a comparison between them in term of the percentage of crashes. The study shows that there were 36% fewer crashes in six months after the 3d pictures compared with the six months before it.

In My opinion the reader can conclude that this "Road design Trick" had many benefits or advantages that :
* The 3D images and cut-outs caught the driver attention " This Road is Not your own".
*Making the car drivers' mind be attention.
* Reminding driver that exceed the speed limit killed many people.

Besides The advantages there are always disadvantages which:
The images surprised the driver which might make her/him lose control of the vehicle to avoid the collision with it. So, he/ she might lose their lives. I suggest a painting caution must be intensified before the place that had the tricky pictures to capture the drivers' attention because not all the drivers had profession in driving. 

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