Tuesday, August 26, 2014

7 Biggest Earthquakes in California History—Napa's Not Even Close----Sarah

According to 7 Biggest Earthquakes in California History—Napa's Not Even Close, by Jessica Morrison for National Geographic ,actually, earthquakes considers as one of the dangerous natural disaster that happened in the world in this article the author says that the earthquake which occurred to Nape ,is enough to destroy many places and houses, but.in 1906 in San Francisco their was an earthquakes and the magnitude was 7.8 that mean what happened in nape it is less dangerous than as usual .in addition, the earthquakes  it occur because of series of presser that cumulative during  long period of life .also the author in his article he based on statement of a geophysicist at the University of California   that he says may be the history will not repeat itself  but we have to expect something  similar .in this article the author mentions the biggest earthquakes have been occurred until now in california . first he tells us about the Fort Tejon which happened on 1857 magnitude 7.9 just one person died because of house collapsed  .second one is Owens valley in 1872 Magnitude 7.4 that  earthquake caused an estimated on lives which twenty seven  people were killed and $250.000 of property loss. Moreover, Imperial Valley in 1892, Magnitude 7.8 that earthquakes stayed couples of days but it happened in an uninhabited region and no deaths were reported. Then he notice other earthquakes and it was in San Francisco, 1906, Magnitude 7.8  because of that quakes more than 80% of people leave the city and a lot of disaster had happened like fires and the estimates of death may it around 700 that time but now the thought to be at least 3,000.another example was the West of Eureka in 1922, West of Eureka this one it was different from the other because it was in the sea and it called offshore quake , damages were confined in breaking windows and snapping power lines . at last but not least was Kern County in 1952, Magnitude 7.3.that quakes occurred a huge property damage estimated at $60 million and claimed 12 lives .finally, the last earthquakes he writes about was Landers, 1992, Magnitude 7.3 that quake resulted with 3 people died and 400 were injured .that conclude the most dangerous earth quack occurred in California and that one which happen in San Francisco is classified as the most significant earthquakes in U.S. history.


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