Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams death---------Henry

       Robin Williams was last seen alive inside his home late Sunday night before his body was discovered just before noon Monday.Authorities are expected to release further details about the Oscar-winning actor's death at a news conference Tuesday, but in a statement, they said Williams was last seen alive inside his Tiburon home at 10 p.m. Sunday. They did not specify by whom or under what circumstances.
       He was beloved,successful,wealthy.why he choice finish his life?Depression can strike anyone. It comes as a surprise when someone who makes the people laugh.We would say  oh my God, why would somebody like that commit suicide, when he’s so successful, so productive and has so much to look forward in life,” K “But there are times when an individual can become so depressed and so concerned about how they feel that they believe that there is no other way out other than to attempt suicide.”No matter how many times we are reminded of the relentlessly democratic nature of mortality, there are people who seem exempt. For those of us who came of age with “Mork & Mindy,” who spent our lives watching the zany sitcom star shift to successful stand-up comedian, then to serious film star and back again to TV, Robin Williams was one of them.His brain defied gravity, his face was made of rubber, the laughter he inspired surely must echo far into deep space and his death at 63 seems almost impossible.
              We knew him, like so many of his colleagues, battled drugs and alcohol and had a somewhat scandalous love life. Yet there he was, year after year, reinventing himself, resurrecting himself, finding some other way to channel what must have been an exhausting if inexhaustible will to perform.People looking for one version of Williams or the other got instead something caroming between all of them. Something so real it seemed out of place.
                Stars fall and fade, collapse or burn out. But sometimes they just vanish, impossibly, for no good reason, and the universe crowds in on itself wondering how something that blazed so bright could suddenly just be gone.Robin Williams was 63 when he died, but we will never have a chance to see him grow old. Because he never did.

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