Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Obesity Causes and Effects - Abdullah Alamri


                According to Childhood Obesity 101, the author explained the causes and effects of obesity. He says that there are several factors for the obesity. First of all, lack of exercise, and he explained that everyone should do exercise to burn calories and build muscle, both of which are required for maintaining a healthy weight. He also said that lack of sleep another reason for the obesity, without adequate sleep, the body shows a lot of stress. Also lack of sleep could be a major cause and effect of obesity. Another cause was explained by the Author, food choices, everyone should be careful to what he eats. Fast food could be contributed to weight gain. The author also gives some effects of obesity. There are some diseases because of the obesity such as high blood pressure, breathing difficulties (asthma, sleep apnea), beginning signs of heart disease (hardening of the arteries).Also the author says that The cause and effects of obesity is multiple layered and can be difficult to sort through. Fortunately, dealing with the results of childhood obesity and discovering natural and healthful treatments for obesity can be simple.   


            Well, many people consider that the obesity is a simple but in fact is so dangerous thing and we should always remember that the obesity is not a simple disease. However, what makes a person gets fat? How can we find a solution to make this huge number gets down? Many people agree that fast food the main reason to get fat. We can protect people from the obesity by educate them and let them know the effects of the obesity. Here is another thing; governments should support them by giving them a good program and activities in order to fix this problem.


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